Ku'u leo Aloha


Ku'u Leo Aloha

Video, Zoom イベント用にビデオを作成致しました。楽しかったです。。。- we took video for Zoom Event Video_Exhibition, we can't practice due to corona but fun to dance, it’s so good for us.

Ku'u Leo Aloha

Video, Hula Ohana Yutaka with Ryo Hula Studio students performed Hula, in Yokosuka.

Ku'u Leo Aloha

Video, Ryo Hula Studio students performed Hula "Ku'u Leo Aloha'" for haina ho on November 3rd 2019 in International Volunteer Fes at Machida Tokyo. アンコール曲です。。。。良かったですne。

Ku'u Leo Aloha

Video, Mishima Fes